
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

7.4 Setting the maximum number of gauges in the Analysis pane

The Gauges tab in the Analysis pane shows real-time Poller and Custom Poller data. These gauges display data for nodes, interfaces, custom node collections, and custom node instances, as well as health data for node components, including CPU and memory.

Set the maximum number of gauges to be displayed in the Analysis pane as follows:

  1. Edit the following file:

    Windows: %NNM_PROPS%\


  2. Look for the following line:

    #!com.hp.nnm.ui.maxGaugePerAnalysisPanel = 24

    Specify the maximum value for the displayed gauge as follows:

    com.hp.nnm.ui.maxGaugePerAnalysisPanel = 12
    Important note

    Make sure to remove the #! characters at the beginning of the line.

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Execute the following commands to restart NNMi:

    Reference note

    A larger number of gauges affects performance when the Analysis pane opens. A smaller number of gauges results in larger-sized gauges.