
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

6.4.2 Using nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl to load the incident configuration

In NNMi, you can use the nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl script to load the incident configuration from a formatted configuration file into the NNMi database.

For the required format, see the following directory:

To validate the incident configuration file before loading it into the NNMi database, use the following sample syntax:

nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl -validate file-name -u NNMi-admin-user-name -p NNMi-admin-password

To load the incident configuration, use the following sample syntax:

nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl -load file-name -u NNMi-admin-user-name -p NNMi-admin-password

Note the following:

For details, see the reference page for the nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl command.