
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

5.2.2 Planning the objects to be monitored by state polling

By default, the NNMi State Poller uses SNMP polls to monitor the following:

Extending monitoring

You can extend the monitoring to include the following:

  • Unconnected interfaces. By default, the only unconnected interfaces that NNMi monitors are those that have IP addresses and are included in the Routers node group.

    Reference note

    NNMi defines an unconnected interface as an interface that is not connected to another device discovered by NNMi, as shown below.


    • Interfaces, such as router interfaces, that have an IP address

    • ICMP polling for devices that do not support SNMP

      By default, ICMP polling is enabled for the Non-SNMP Devices node group.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Interfaces to unmonitored nodes

Sometimes, you need to know the status of an interface that connects to a device you do not manage directly. For example, you want to know whether the connection to an application or Internet server is up, but you might not be responsible for maintaining that server. If you do not include the server in the discovery rules, NNMi sees the interface that faces the server as unconnected.

There are two ways to monitor the status of an important interface that connects to an unmonitored node:

(2) Stopping monitoring

The NNMi management modes are used to set devices or interfaces to Not Managed or Out of Service. The Not Managed mode is considered to be a permanent situation; you will never care about knowing the status of such objects. Out of Service is for a temporary situation where one or more objects will be offline and a down incident would be superfluous.

Consider the management mode as an overlay across all group settings. Regardless of an object's group, polling interval, or type, the State Poller does not communicate with the object when its status is set to Not Managed or Out of Service.


Some devices, interfaces, or both that you choose to be discovered and placed in the database do not need to be polled. You will permanently set such objects to Not Managed. You might want to create one or more node groups to enable you to set management modes more easily.