
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

3.1.1 Levels of communication configuration

NNMi communication configuration provides the following levels:

At each level you can configure access credentials, timeout and retry values, ICMP and SNMP protocol enablement, and SNMP access settings. If you leave settings blank at one level, NNMi applies the next level of defaults.

When communicating with a given node, NNMi applies the configuration settings as follows:

  1. If the node matches a specific node configuration, NNMi uses any communication values in that configuration.

  2. If there is no such node as in 1 above, NNMi determines whether the node belongs to any regions. Because regions might overlap, NNMi uses the matching region with the lowest ordering number. NNMi uses the values specified for that region to fill in the blanks left from the applicable specific node setting (if any). The settings for additional regions with a higher ordering number are not considered.

  3. If there is no such settings as in 1 and 2, NNMi uses the global default settings to fill in the remaining blanks.

The values used for ICMP and SNMP communication with a particular device might be built up cumulatively until all required settings are determined.