
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Consolidated Management 2/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

2.1 Task flow model


The chapters in Part 2, Configuration of this manual provide information that is relevant to the following task flow:

  1. Concepts[Figure]Gain a general understanding of the configuration area. The information in this guide supplements the information in NNMi Help.

  2. Plan[Figure]Decide how you want to approach the configuration. This is a good time to begin or to update your company's network management documentation.

  3. Configure[Figure]Use a combination of the NNMi console, configuration files, and command line interface to enter the configuration into NNMi. For specific procedures, see NNMi Help.

  4. Evaluate[Figure]Examine the results of your configuration on the NNMi console. Adjust the configuration as necessary to achieve the desired results.

  5. Tune[Figure]Optional. Adjust the configuration to improve NNMi performance.