
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Administration Guide

17.16  ioutils exportoplog (exporting operation logs)


This command exports operation logs on the management server into a CSV file at a specified time. Distributed operation logs stored in the site server cannot be exported.

If the size of the export file exceeds 2 GB, the file is split into multiple files. The split files are renamed with sequence numbers added at the end of the file names.

Even when no information items are available to export, a file is always exported.

For details about the output format of the file to be exported, see A.6 Output format of exported operation logs.

Execute this command on the management server in a single-server configuration system.


ioutils exportoplog -export export-file-name{ -range export-period-of-time| -within export-number-of-days}[ -encoding character-encoding][ -filter filter-name][ -linenumber-of-lines-to-export][ -s]


-export export-file-name

Specify the absolute path (within 259 bytes) of the CSV file to export.

-range export-period-of-time

Specify export period of time in YYYY-MM-DD# format. The start date and the end date can be separated with a comma (",").

# YYYY: year, MM: month, DD: day

This argument cannot be specified together with -within.

-within export-number-of-days

Specify the number of days of the logs to export. The number must be between 1 and 500.

This argument cannot be specified together with -range.

-encoding character-encoding

Specify a character code for the operation logs to export. The following types of character codes can be specified. When you do not specify this argument, the character code is automatically set to UTF-8.


  • ISO-8859-1

  • UTF-8

  • UTF-8N

  • UTF-16

  • UTF-16LE

  • UTF-16BE

  • MS932

  • Shift-JIS

  • EUC-JP

  • JIS

-filter filter-name

Specify a filter name if you want to export specific operation logs using a filter.

In the filter conditions of the specified filter name, do not include Operation Date/Time (Browser). If you specify a filter name whose filter conditions include Operation Date/Time (Browser), filtering might not be performed correctly.

-line number-of-lines-to-export

Specify the number of lines you want to export into 1 file. The number must be between 1 and 4294967295. If this argument is omitted, 2 GB worth of operation logs are output to one file.


Overwrites the file even if a file with the same file name already exists at the export destination. If this argument is not specified and a file with the same file name already exists, an overwrite confirmation message appears. In this case, the system cancels the output or overwrites the file according to the administrator's reply.

Storage location

JP1/IT Desktop Management-installation-folder\mgr\bin\

You can execute this command without specifying a storage location for the executable file, by using the command prompt provided by JP1/IT Desktop Management.


Return value

The following table shows the return values of ioutils exportoplog command.

Return value



The command finished normally.


The specified format for the argument is incorrect.


The specified folder is invalid, the disk does not have sufficient capacity, or the folder does not exist.


A file access error occurred when outputting the file, or the disk does not have sufficient capacity.


Another command is being executed.


You do not have the permissions to execute this command.


The management server has not been set up.


The specified filter does not exist.


Command execution failed because there is not enough memory, or due to some other reason.


A database access error occurred.


The command execution was interrupted due to some other error.


The following example shows use of this command to export operation logs to C:\temp\exportoplog.csv, with the number of days to export "25", and using a filter called "file copy operations"

ioutils exportoplog -export C:\temp\exportoplog.csv -within 25 -encoding UTF-8 -filter "file copy operations" -s

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