
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Configuration Guide

4.7.7 Procedure for replacing a computer by a network control appliance when the network monitor on the computer is enabled

When you replace a computer by a network control appliance, if the network monitor on the computer is enabled, you must disable the network monitor and then install the network control appliance. The replacement procedure shown below assumes that JP1/NETM/NM - Manager has already been installed.

For how to set up JP1/NETM/NM - Manager, see the description of operations in the following manual: the Job Management Partner 1 Version 9 Job Management Partner 1/Network Monitor Description, User's Guide and Operator's Guide or the Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/NETM/Network Monitor.

  1. Disable the network monitor on the target computer.

  2. Deploy and set up a network control appliance in the target network segment.

  3. Register the target network segment and group in JP1/NETM/NM - Manager.

  4. Specify the environment settings of the network control appliance in JP1/NETM/NM - Manager.