
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

4.4.6 Support service linkage configuration

You can download the latest support information file from the support service site and apply the latest Windows updates to the security policy judgment items registered on the management server. You can also automatically download the Windows updates from the Microsoft Web site and apply them to the managed computers. This configuration is called the support service linkage configuration.


A support services contract must be made before you can use the support service linkage configuration.

The following figure shows the support service linkage configuration.


You can use Windows update files to distribute the Windows updates to computers. In an environment that allows Internet connection with the Microsoft Web site, Windows updates are automatically downloaded and a package is created.

The management server automatically updates the Windows update information on a regular basis, that is, once a day (every 24 hours).

In the support service linkage configuration, the management server connects to the support service site and the Microsoft Web site via the Internet. Therefore, confirm that the management server is able to connect to the Internet. For details about other system features and prerequisites, see 4.4.1 Basic configuration.


Even in an environment in which the management server is disabled for Internet connection, you can manage Windows update information. In this case, an Internet-connectable computer other than the management server acquires the support information file from the support service site, and then uploads it to the management server. This computer also downloads the executable file for the Windows updates to be distributed from the Microsoft Web site, and then uploads the executable file to management server.