
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.14.1 Viewing reports

In the Reports module, you can view 20 types of reports depending on your purpose. You can print reports or output them to CSV files. The following table lists the report types that can be displayed.



Applicable to a target group#

Summary Reports

Daily Summary


Weekly Summary


Monthly Summary


Security Diagnosis Reports

Current Diagnosis


Timeframe Diagnosis


Security Detail Reports

Violation Level Status


Windows Update Status


Antivirus Software Status


Mandatory Software Status


Unauthorized Software Status


Security Settings Status


Other Access Restrictions


User Activity


Inventory Detail Reports

Device Management Status


Green IT (Power Saving Settings)


Asset Detail Reports

Hardware Assets


Hardware Assets Cost


Software License Cost


Software (License Violation)


Software (Surplus License)


Legend: Y: Applicable. N: Not applicable.

#: User-defined groups cannot be the target of a report.

The following is an overview of the above reports and how you can use them:

Summary Reports

Use summary reports to gain an overview of managed information. Check the current status and future plans to schedule future task plans.

Daily Summary

Daily summaries let you check daily information, such as the status of events, the number of assets you plan to change the status of, the status of software licenses, and the status of distribution jobs. The current free database capacity is also displayed. Use these reports to check the current status and future plans, and to help you schedule daily tasks.

Weekly Summary

Weekly summaries let you check weekly information, such as the status of events, the number of assets you plan to change the status of, the status of software licenses, and the status of distribution jobs. For the status of events, transitions in the number of events through a week are displayed. Use these reports to check the current status and future plans, and to help you schedule weekly tasks.

Monthly Summary

Monthly summaries let you check monthly information, such as the status of events, the number of assets you plan to change the status of, the status of software licenses, and the status of distribution jobs. For the status of events, transitions in the number of events through a month are displayed. The results and plans related to the costs for assets are also displayed. Use these reports to check the current status and future plans, and to help you schedule monthly tasks.

Security Diagnosis Reports

Use security diagnosis reports to check the total security assessment level and category assessment levels.

Current Diagnosis

Displays the results of the total assessment of the current security status of computers. Use these reports to check the security status of all managed computers and to consider countermeasures for the items with low security status.

Timeframe Diagnosis

Displays the results of the total assessment of the computers' security status for a specified period. Use these reports to check the transitions of the results of diagnosis and to understand security status trends.

Security Detail Reports

Use security detail reports to check the details of security status.

Violation Level Status

Displays the status of violation levels and the security status of individual groups. Use these reports to check the violation levels of computers and to consider and strengthen security measures.

Windows Update Status

Displays the number of computers on which Windows updates set in the security policy have not been installed and the status of individual groups. Use these reports to target for updating all computers on which relevant Windows updates have not been installed.

Antivirus Software Status

Displays the number of computers to which antivirus software has not been applied and the status of individual groups. Use these reports to help check and update antivirus software.

Mandatory Software Status

Displays the number of computers on which the mandatory software programs set in the security policy have not been installed and the status of individual groups. Use these reports to target installation requests for mandatory software.

Unauthorized Software Status

Displays the number of computers on which the prohibited software programs set in the security policy have been installed and the status of individual groups. Use these reports to target uninstallation requests for prohibited software.

Security Settings Status

Displays the number of computers on which illegal accesses might occur, the number of computers that have problems related to user-defined security settings, and the status of individual groups. Use these reports to check which security measures are problematic and to help enforce appropriate security measures on individual computers.

Other Access Restrictions

Displays information about computers on which printing was restricted, startup of software was restricted, or use of USB devices was restricted. The computers are displayed in the order of the number of restrictions. Use these reports to check for users who have had many restrictions applied to them, and to give them advice.

User Activity

Displays the printing activity of computers. Also displays which computers have used USB devices. The computers are listed in the order of the number of uses. Use these reports to investigate the computers from which information might have been illegally moved by printing or by the use of USB devices.

Inventory Detail Reports

Use inventory detail reports to check the number of managed devices and the status of the power saving settings on individual computers.

Device Management Status

Displays the number of managed devices and the increase and decrease of the number of devices. Use these reports to understand the increase and decrease of devices for each OS or to check the details of the devices in a specific department.

Green IT (Power Saving Settings)

Based on the status of the power saving settings on the managed computers, Green IT reports display the difference from the ideal energy consumption. Use these reports to reduce the power consumption of computers or to understand the status of the Green IT efforts.

Asset Detail Reports

Use asset detail reports to check the transitions of the number of managed hardware assets, the transitions of contract costs, and the status of software licenses.

Hardware Assets

Displays the transitions of the number of managed hardware assets for individual device types. Use these reports to understand trends in the transitions of the number of hardware assets through a year or to check the percentage of each hardware asset device type.

Hardware Assets Cost

Displays the transitions of the costs for hardware assets through a year. Use these reports to understand the trends in the transitions of contract costs through a year or to judge whether contract costs are appropriate.

Software License Cost

Displays the transitions of the costs for software licenses through a year. Use these reports to understand the trends in the transitions of contract costs through a year or to judge whether contract costs are appropriate.

Software (License Violation)

Displays information about the software programs for which there are insufficient licenses in the order of the number of insufficient licenses. The software programs listed in these of reports might be violating licenses. Use these reports to check the usage statuses of software licenses and to consider countermeasures, such as purchasing additional licenses.

Software (Surplus License)

Displays information about unused software licenses in the order of the number of excess licenses. Use these reports to confirm license requirements before purchasing software licenses.