
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.12 Distributing software and files to computers managed online

It is usually impractical for administrators to visit the computers within an organization to install new software or uninstall prohibited software.

JP1/IT Desktop Management can use a management server to execute remote operations (such as installing and uninstalling software, and distributing files) on computers managed online. This functionality can reduce the time and effort of software installation or management. Also, software maintenance will become easier. For example, the administrator can install the latest versions of software programs in batch operations.

When you want to apply update files for the business system to all computers within an organization you could, for example, send the files by attaching them to emails or ask users to download the files. However, in such cases, you cannot ensure that the update files are applied to all computers. However, by using JP1/IT Desktop Management to distribute files, you can understand the distribution status and ensure that the files are applied to all computers.


By using the distribution function, you can automatically install mandatory software or uninstall prohibited software based on the results of security judgment for software in use.


When you use site servers, you can store distribution packages (software and files) on site servers, so that the packages will be distributed from the site servers. This can reduce network load.

In a multi-server configuration system, distribution packages are stored on a database server.


If packages must be distributed to many devices, we recommend that you use site servers to distribute the packages or distribute the packages at different times. This is because distributing packages from the management server to many devices at the same time might overload the management server or network.

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