
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.7.13 Connecting from a controller to a remote computer

If you start the controller program directly or the connection to a remote computer is lost, you need to specify the connection destination in the controller to connect to the remote computer. You can specify a connection destination by:

If authentication information is set on the remote computer, a dialog box asking for your credentials appears when you attempt to establish a connection, regardless of the method you use. Enter the authentication information set in the User Authentication area under Remote Control Security Settings in the agent configurations, or the authentication information set on the connection-target VNC server. In the default agent configuration, the user ID is system and the password is manager.

If the remote control feature is configured to display connection requests on the remote computer, and the user rejects the request, a message reporting this fact appears in the controller.


A maximum of 255 controllers can connect to a single remote computer.


If access to the remote computer is denied or the connection times out, the system attempts to connect again using RFB. Note that if the controller is configured to turn on a remote computer, and the RFB reconnection fails (times out) because the computer is turned off, the remote control feature uses Wake on LAN and AMT to start the remote computer before attempting to connect again.

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