
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.3.7 Differences in operation windows when administration scopes are assigned

When you use a user account that is limited to a particular administration scope, only the information applicable to that administration scope appears in the modules, and the operations you can perform are similarly restricted. The following table shows how the operation windows appear to users who are assigned a administration scope.

Operation module

Differences when administration scope is restricted

Home module

Home module

The following items do not appear:

  • welcome message

  • Getting Started button

  • Getting Started Wizard item in Go menu

Messages related to site server addition and removal do not appear in the message bar.

System Summary panel

Used Licenses are not clickable links.

Not Ack Event Summary panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Topic panel

Some messages are not clickable links. In addition, some messages only contain information applicable to the administration scope.

Background Task panel

The following items are not clickable links:

  • Error

  • IP Address Range

  • Active Directory

DB and Disk Usage panel


# of Devices by Violation Level panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Security Status by Policy panel


Suspicious Operations panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Customized Device Inventory (Group/Filter) panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Customized HW Assets (Group/Filter) panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Category Security Assessment panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Hardware Assets Trend panel


Expired Contracts (next 3 months) panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Software (License Violation) panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

# of Devices by OS panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Managed Nodes Trend panel


New Software panel


Task Status panel


Error Task Status panel

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Security module

Overview view#

The range of information displayed depends on the panel.

Security Policies view

The administrator can view but not edit the information.

The tabs in the lower pane of the information area provide the same operations as when the administration scope is not restricted.

Computer Security Status view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

The following items do not appear in the Action menu:

  • Assign Policy

  • Cancel Policy

  • Enable Network Access Control

  • Disable Network Access Control

Messages about disabled network monitors do not appear in the message bar.

Windows Update view

The administrator can view but not edit the information.

Update Information from Customer Support Offline does not appear in the Action menu.

Operation Logs view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Operation Log List (Distributed Operation Logs) view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Assets module

Overview view#

The range of information displayed depends on the panel.

Hardware Assets view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Enable End User Form (Frequent Pop-up) does not appear in the Action menu.

In dialog boxes where hardware asset information can be added and edited, icons do not appear to the left of management items.

You cannot add new items to the dialog boxes.

Software License view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

The Assigned Computers tab also displays information not applicable to the administration scope. This information can be used for removing software licenses that are no longer required in departments after department information has changed.

In dialog boxes where software license information can be added and edited, icons do not appear to the left of management items.

You cannot add new items to the dialog boxes, with the exception of the Managed Software Name item.

Managed Software view

Update Information from Customer Support Offline does not appear in the Action menu.

The Add as Unauthorized Software button does not appear on the Installed Software tab.

Software License Status view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Contracts view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

In dialog boxes where contract information can be added and edited, icons do not appear to the left of management items.

You cannot add new items to the dialog boxes.

Devices module

Overview view#

The range of information displayed depends on the panel.

Device Inventory view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

The following items do not appear in the Action menu:

  • Enable End User Form (Frequent Pop-up)

  • Enable Network Access Control

  • Disable Network Access Control

  • Set Credentials

Messages about disabled network monitors do not appear in the message bar.

In dialog boxes where device information can be edited, icons do not appear to the left of management items. You cannot add new items to the dialog boxes.

Revision History view

Only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Software Inventory view

Remove Software and Update Information from Customer Support Offline do not appear in the Action menu.

The Add as Unauthorized Software button does not appear on the Installed Software tab.

Distribution module

Overview view#

The range of information displayed depends on the panel.

Packages view


Tasks view


Events module

For events whose source is device information or asset information, only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

Some messages do not appear as links.

Reports module

Overview view


Summary Reports


Security Diagnosis Reports

Reports are limited to information gathered within the administration scope of the user.

Security Detail Reports

The following reports are limited to information gathered within the administration scope of the user:

  • Violation Level Status report

  • Windows Update Status report

  • Antivirus Software Status report

  • Mandatory Software Status report

  • Unauthorized Software Status report

  • Security Settings Status report

Inventory Detail Reports

Reports are limited to information gathered within the administration scope of the user.

Asset Detail Reports

Reports are limited to information gathered within the administration scope of the user.

Settings module

Overview view

Only the Product Site Map window appears.

User Management view


Discovery view

The following windows can be displayed. Only information applicable to the administration scope appears in the views.

  • Discovered Nodes view

  • Managed Nodes view

  • Ignored Nodes view

Note that in the Discovered Nodes and Managed Nodes views, Set Credentials and Start Discovery do not appear in the Action menu.

Agent view

In the Agent Deployment view, only information applicable to the administration scope appears.

In the Agent Configurations view, the user can view but not edit information.

In the Agent Configurations Assignment view, only information applicable to the administration scope appears. The Change Target Group Type button, Assign button, and Cancel button at the top of the information area are unavailable.

The Agentless Management view does not appear.

Server Configuration view

Not displayed.

Network Access Control view

Not displayed.

Security view

Not displayed.

Assets view

Only the Last Import Log view can be displayed.

Inventory view

Not displayed.

Reports view

Not displayed.

Events view

Not displayed.

General view

Not displayed.

Product Licenses view

Not displayed.

Legend: --: Restricting the administration scope has no effect.

#: The panels in the Overview view are the same as those in the Home module.


If you log in using an account with a administration scope, you cannot edit the department information (the Department management item) that appears in the menu and other areas of each module.