
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

2.3.4 Task allocations for user accounts

In JP1/IT Desktop Management, you can assign task allocations to user accounts according to the role of the administrator who uses the account. By setting up user accounts with the appropriate combination of task allocations and permissions, you can limit the operations an administrator can perform to those suited to his or her role. This promotes stronger internal controls because administrators can only manage information related to their field of responsibility.

There are five task allocations:

Security management

Limits the user to tasks such as editing and applying security policies, applying security measures to devices according to their danger level, and managing and applying program updates. Because the application of security measures involves the distribution of software and program updates, a user assigned this task allocation is automatically allocated distribution management tasks.

Asset management

Limits users to tasks related to the management of asset information such as the equipment held by the organization, software licenses, and contracts.

Device management

Limits users to tasks such as the management of device information, remote control of devices, and managing installed software.

Distribution management

Limits users to tasks related to the distribution of software and files. A user who is allocated the distribution management and security management tasks can also distribute program updates.

System configuration management

Limits users to the management of configuration information for JP1/IT Desktop Management, such as configuring device search parameters, setting up agents, setting network control, and other tasks. Because these settings are essential to the running of JP1/IT Desktop Management, users with this task allocation must have system administrator permission. To add, edit, or delete user accounts, the user must also have user account management permission.

The following figure shows an example of assigning task allocations to user accounts according to the administrator's field of responsibility:


System management coordinator

A user responsible for coordinating overall system management. Because the system management coordinator is responsible not only for reviewing the task allocations of each management user, but also for managing all manner of JP1/IT Desktop Management settings including operating procedures and user accounts, he or she must be assigned all task allocations.

Management user

A user responsible for day-to-day management of the system. Management users should only be assigned task allocations that are relevant to their fields of responsibility.