
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

1.3.4 Working with the Assets module

In the Assets module, you can collectively manage the devices, software licenses, contracts and so on managed in the organization. You can manage each type of asset in listings like a ledger. By defining relationships among asset information, you can immediately see what contracts are linked to devices and how software licenses are being used, helping to perform asset management tasks more efficiently.

The Assets module provides the following views:

Each view is described next.

Overview view

The panels in this view provide a summary of the asset information managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management.


Hardware Assets view

In this view you can manage information about hardware assets in the organization such as computers, printers, and networking equipment. You can also map this information against contract details. By defining these relationships, you can immediately see the contract cost and contract period of hardware contracts.


Details about the hardware assets selected in the upper pane of the information area is shown in the tabs in the lower pane. You can check the contracts associated with a hardware asset, related assets, associated devices, and other information.

When hardware asset information is mapped against device information, the Device Information area is updated automatically whenever new device information is collected.

Software Licenses view

In this view you can manage information about software licenses your organization has purchased. You can also give users permission to use a particular software product by assigning a software license to a computer.


Details about the software licenses assets selected in the upper pane of the information area is shown in the tabs in the lower pane. You can check the contract period for a software license, see which computers are allocated a particular license, and so on.

Managed Software view

In this view you can manage information about managed software (software for which JP1/IT Desktop Management keeps track of licenses). By registering managed software, the system is able to keep track of the number of software licenses that are in use, providing a clear picture of how software is being used. If you also register software license information, the system can keep track of the number of software licenses purchased for each piece of managed software, and see how many of those licenses are in use. This makes you aware of the managed software for which you have too few licenses, and those for which you have a surplus.


Details about the managed software selected in the upper pane of the information area is shown in the tabs in the lower pane. You can view a list of computers with the software installed, computers allocated a software license, software licenses associated with the software, and other information.

Software License Status view

In this view you can check the usage of software licenses for each managed software product. This view shows the number of owned software licenses, the number of remaining software licenses, and other information by license type and by department. This makes you aware of the managed software products that have too few licenses, and those that have excess licenses.


Details about the managed software selected in the upper pane of the information area is shown in the tabs in the lower pane. You can view a list of computers with the software installed, computers allocated a software license, software licenses associated with the software, and other information.

Contracts view

In this view you can manage contract information in relation to hardware assets and software licenses. By adding contract information, you can gain a clear picture of the costs and contract periods associated with asset contracts.


Details about the contract selected in the upper pane of the information area is shown in the tabs in the lower pane. You can check the software licenses, hardware assets, and other items associated with the selected contract.