
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/IT Desktop Management Overview and System Design Guide

1.2 System components

In this manual, when referring to a system managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management, defined names are used for the system components such as network devices and the servers and computers on which JP1/IT Desktop Management is installed.

Definitions used in JP1/IT Desktop Management for basic system components are given in the following table.

Component name


Management server

The server on which JP1/IT Desktop Management is installed. A database for storing the various information managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management is created on the management server.

Administrator's computer

The computer on which the administrator performs management tasks using the JP1/IT Desktop Management operation windows. JP1/IT Desktop Management displays windows in a browser. This allows the administrator to work from any computer that can access the management server. The management server itself can be used as the administrator's computer.

The administrator can download a program (controller) for remotely controlling computers from the operation windows and remotely control user computers.



A computer on which an OS is installed. The types of computers are as follows:

  • A computer on which an agent is installed

    • A computer on which an agent for online management is installed (online managed computer)

    • A computer on which an agent for offline management is installed (offline managed computer)

  • A computer without any agent installed (agentless managed computer)

IP device

A device other than a computer with an IP address. Examples include a router, network printer, or IP phone.


A device without an IP address, such as a mouse, keyboard, or USB device.

The following figure shows an example of a basic system configuration consisting of these components and managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management.


By adding another JP1/IT Desktop Management component or linking JP1/IT Desktop Management to another system, you can manage the system for a specific purpose, such as load balancing, enhanced security, or management of additional information.

Definitions of system components added for a specific purpose are given in the following table.

Component name


Site server

A JP1/IT Desktop Management component for distributing the load on the management server and network.

The load on the management server can be reduced by installing a site server at each location or in each network segment to store operation logs collected from online managed computers. Similarly, the load on the network can be reduced by using site servers to store packages for distribution.

A system that uses site servers is known as a site server configuration system.

Database server

A server that stores information managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management.

By deploying a database server in addition to the management server, you can distribute the load on the management server.

A system that uses a database server is known as a multi-server configuration system.

Support service site

A website that provides support services. By connecting to this site via the Internet from JP1/IT Desktop Management, you can obtain information about the latest update programs. Based on this information, JP1/IT Desktop Management determines whether the latest update programs installed on each computer are up to date.

A system linked with a support service site is known as a support service linkage configuration system.

Active Directory server

A server on which Active Directory is installed. The Active Directory program is required so that JP1/IT Desktop Management can acquire information managed by Active Directory.

A system linked with Active Directory is known as an Active Directory linkage configuration system.

MDM server

A server for managing smart devices using an installed MDM product. An MDM product is required so that JP1/IT Desktop ManagementJP1/IT Desktop Management can acquire information about smart devices managed by the MDM product.

A system linked with an MDM product is known as an MDM linkage configuration system.

Network monitoring agent

A JP1/IT Desktop Management component for monitoring and controlling device network connections.

The network monitoring agent is installed when a network monitor is enabled on an online managed computer.

Once the agent is installed, JP1/IT Desktop Management can monitor the network, detect connection by new devices and deny access.

A network monitor-enabled system is known as a network monitoring configuration system.

Network control appliance

An appliance product on which JP1/NETM/NM is installed. By linking with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager, JP1/IT Desktop Management can control the network connections monitored by a JP1/NETM/NM-installed appliance product. A system linked with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager is known as a JP1/NETM/NM - Manager linkage configuration system.

JP1/IM server

A server on which JP1/IM is installed for integrated monitoring of JP1 products and other programs. In addition to JP1/IT Desktop Management, the JP1/IM server requires JP1/IM and JP1/Base. Errors occurring on any of the managed computers can be centrally managed in JP1/IM as JP1 events.

A system linked with JP1/IM is known as a JP1/IM monitoring configuration system.

The following figure shows an example of a purpose-built system configuration managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management.


For details about the system configuration, see 4.4 Examining the system configuration.