
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Automatic Job Executor Operation manual

6.4.2 Restore of JP1/DH - AJE (Job Execution)

  1. New install the program or overwrite install the program.

  2. Overwrite the environmental configuration file (config.xml) from the backup folder to the environmental configuration file included in the install destination folder.

  3. Overwrite the all files and folders that are included in the following folder from the backup folder:

    • The folder that is defined as <RecvListDIR> in the environmental configuration file of JP1/DH - AJE (Job Execution)

See Appendix A. List of Files and Folders about each files and folders. See 3.3.2(1) Environmental configuration file for JP1/DH - AJE (Job Execution) about <RecvListDir>.