
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Data Highway - Automatic Job Executor Operation manual

1.2 Composition of JP1/DH - AJE

JP1/DH - AJE consists of the following three programs.

Job definition program is a program which defines, registers and changes the DH custom job sending or receiving files and folders for Data Highway - Server by using JP1/AJS3 - View.

Job execution program is a program which sends or receives files and folders for Data Highway - Server according to the contents of DH custom job when DH custom job defined by Job definition program was executed.

The data transfer command provides a method using a file transfer function of Data Highway - Server from command line interface. Therefore, using the data transfer command, you let Data Highway - Server cooperate with other systems and can do file transfer. In addition, in order to manage the file transfer the command of a management system is provided as the data transfer management command. For more information about the method of the data transfer command see 7.The data transfer command. For more information about the method of the data transfer management command see 8.The data transfer management command.