
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages 2


Insufficient memory for PROCESS, size=aa....aa (L+S)

An attempt to allocate the work area required for executing the ajsembdbrstr command has failed due to insufficient process-specific area.

aa....aa: Size of the area that was to be allocated (unit: bytes)


Terminates processing.


Check whether another process is using a large amount of memory.

If another process is using a large amount of memory:

Wait until the process terminates, and then re-execute the command.

If another process is not using a large amount of memory:

Take one of the following actions to increase the amount of free space in memory:

  • Reduce the number of processes running concurrently.

  • Increase the swap area.

  • Add real memory.