
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages 2


No available pages in RDAREA, RDAREA=aa....aa (A)

There are no available pages in the RDAREA.

aa....aa: Name of the RDAREA that has insufficient free space


Invalidates the transaction.


Take one of the following actions, and then re-execute the transaction:

  • Expand the RDAREA.

    Use the ajsembdbaddarea command to expand the size of the RDAREA that has insufficient free space.

  • Reorganize the table.

    Use the ajsembdbrorg command to reorganize the table stored in the RDAREA.

  • Reclaim free pages.

    Execute the ajsembdbstatus command with the -db option to analyze the status of the RDAREA. If required, execute the ajsembdbreclaim command for the index.