
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages 1


The socket could not be opened so the event job status will be re-reported. (Manager=manager-name) (maintenance-information)

The agent attempted to report the status of an event job to the manager, but could not communicate with the manager indicated in manager-name due to a temporary communication error.


Retries communication after the predefined period of time.

For details on this time, see Table 2-3 in 2.2.2(5) Notes on manager/agent system configurations in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.


This message appears when the agent cannot resolve the manager name. Ignore the message and continue the operation because the data that caused the communication error will be resent to the manager automatically after a predefined period of time. If this error message is output repeatedly, however, check whether:

  • A network error does not occur.

  • The manager machine has stopped.

  • The manager host name has been resolved. If it has not, check the settings of the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable, the hosts file, or the DNS server.