
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1


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     [-h logical-host-name]
     {-a execution-agent-name | -g execution-agent-group-name}

Format1 (for deleting an execution agent)

     [-h logical-host-name]
     -a execution-agent-name

Format2 (for deleting an execution agent group)

     [-h logical-host-name]
     -g execution-agent-group-name


Deletes an execution agent or execution agent group.

Execution privileges

This command can be executed by a user at the following JP1 permission level:


-h logical-host-name

Specify the logical host name of the local host on which the execution agent or execution agent group you want to delete is registered.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the physical host name is assumed.

For a physical host, make sure that you specify neither this option nor the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable.

-a execution-agent-name

Specify the name of an execution agent you want to delete.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-g execution-agent-group-name

Specify the name of an execution agent group you want to delete.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.


Return values


Normal end.


  • An environment variable used for command execution is incorrect.

  • The JP1/AJS3 service is not running.

  • The -h option is specified but the specified logical host does not exist or environment settings are incorrect.

  • The specified execution agent does not exist.

  • The specified execution agent group does not exist.

  • The target host cannot be deleted because a job is being executed.

  • The authentication server is not running.

  • A compatible ISAM configuration is used.

  • The specified execution agent cannot be deleted because it is connected from an execution agent group.

  • The execution agent or execution agent group cannot be deleted because the job transfer restriction status is not Blocked.

  • An error occurred in communication with the JP1/AJS3 service.


An argument specified in the command is incorrect.


Memory became insufficient during command processing.


An attempt to access shared memory failed because the access target was locked.


Permission to execute the command is not granted.


A system limit was exceeded during allocation of shared memory, file descriptors, or resources for exclusive use.


  • An unexpected error was detected for an OS system call.

  • The database area is not enough. Alternatively, secondary allocation of the database area failed.

  • An attempt to access the database failed because the access target was locked.

  • A database input or output error occurred.


An unexpected error was detected in JP1/AJS internal processing.

Example 1

To delete execution agent AP1, execute the following command:

ajsagtdel -a AP1

Example 2

To delete execution agent group APG1, execute the following command:

ajsagtdel -g APG1