Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


16.3.3 Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box

The Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box defines the applications (business scopes) to be monitored. For the monitoring mode, you can use this dialog box only to reference definition contents.

The following figure shows the Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box.

Figure 16-8 Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box


The following explains the display item of the Define Details - [Business Scope] dialog box.

Specify a business scope name using a character string of up to 30 bytes.
You cannot specify the following single-byte characters:
  • Space
  • (
  • )
  • , (comma)
  • : (colon)
  • ; (semicolon)
  • /
  • =

Specify the comment that you want to display by moving the mouse pointer to the defined object in the map area of the Scope window. Specify a comment with a character string of up to 80 bytes.
Supplementary note
You can suppress comment display in tool tips by customizing it. For details on how to suppress comment display, see 14.3.5 Showing or hiding a tool tip.

Icon file name
  • Text field
    To display an icon other than the default icon in the map area of the Scope window, specify a file name under the folder storing icon images. You can only use the extension gif for the file name. You can enter up to 255 bytes as an icon file name. If you do not specify any icon file name, the default icon appears in the text field.
  • ... button
    Clicking the ... button displays the Select File dialog box. From the Select File dialog box, you can select a file in the folder storing icon images. The selected image file name appears in the text field.
    The default folder storing icon images contains the following image files as the icon image file for business scopes:
    - scope_building.gif
    - scope_earth.gif
    - scope_machine.gif
    We recommend that you select a file name beginning with scope_ to distinguish business scope icons from AJS3 unit monitored object icons or vice versa. The following files are also available as icons without the business scope symbol:
    - db.gif
    - file.gif
    - group.gif
    - building.gif
    - earth.gif
    - machine.gif

Supplementary note
The following shows the default folder storing icon images.
JP1/AJS3 - View-installation-folder\image\console\icon
You can change the folder storing icon images. For details on the directory storing icon images, see 14.3.9 Changing the folder storing the icon images.
For details on how to create an icon image file, see 14.5.2 How to create an icon image file.

Cautionary note
If you display icon images while starting JP1/AJS3 Console View, later attempts to delete or change them will not actually affect them.