Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.7.11 Filter Settings dialog box

The Filter Settings dialog box selects the job status displayed in the following windows:

The following figure shows the Filter Settings dialog box.

Figure 15-195 Filter Settings dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Specify whether you want to select the condition of displayed unit statuses. The default is Do not use. The following are choices.
  • Use
    Displays the status selected by Filter.
  • Do not use
    Displays all the statuses.

You can deselect the unit statuses in the following windows by deselecting them in the check boxes. You can also set displayed statuses using the windows.
  • Daily Schedule [All Jobs] window
  • Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window
  • Monthly Schedule window
By default, all the check boxes are selected.
  • Waiting to execute
    Displays jobs waiting for execution (Wait for start time, Wait for prev. to end, Waiting to execute, Now queuing, and Wait for start cond.).
  • Shutdown
    Displays jobs that are shut down.
  • Being held
    Displays jobs placed in the hold status.
    For the JP1/AJS3 - View and JP1/AJS2 - View version 08-50 or later, when it is set so that a hold plan is displayed, if you select the Being held status includes hold plan check box in Option, the units to be held is also displayed.
  • Now running
    Displays the running jobs (Now running and Now monitoring).
  • Running + Warning
    Displays jobs that are subject to warning detection (Running + Warning).
  • Running + Abend
    Displays jobs that are subject to error detection (Running + Abend).
  • Ended normally
    Displays jobs that ended normally (Ended normally, Normal end + False, Interrupted monitoring, and Monitor-end normal).
  • Ended with warning
    Displays jobs that ended with a warning (Ended with warning).
  • Ended abnormally
    Displays jobs that ended abnormally (Ended with warning, Invalid exe. seq., Interrupt, Killed, Failed to start, Unknown end status, and Monitor terminated).
  • Not executed + Ended
    Displays jobs that ended without being executed (Skipped so not exe. and Unmonitored + Ended).
All button
Causes all check boxes to be selected.
Clear button
Causes all check boxes to be deselected.

This section appears for JP1/AJS3 - View, or JP1/AJS2 - View 08-50 or later.
Being held status includes hold plan
When you select Being held in Filter and this check box, the system displays the waiting units with the hold attribute (units that are scheduled to be held) together with the units that are being held.
This check box is enabled when you have chosen Display in Hold plan on the General page in the Preferences dialog box. Whether to display the units that are newly specified with the hold attribute is determined based on whether the Only if hold attribute changes check box is selected in Hold plan on the General page in the Preferences dialog box. For details about specifying settings in the Preferences dialog box, see the description about the General page in 15.3.42 Preferences dialog box and 11.3.4 Changing a display color of a unit to be held.

Supplementary note
The units with the hold attribute are in the Waiting to execute status. Therefore, if you select Waiting to execute in Filter, the units with the hold attribute are displayed regardless of whether the Being held status includes hold plan text box is selected.