Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.4.23 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log File Behavior] dialog box

The Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log File Behavior] dialog box sets a log file output format.

The following figure shows the Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log File Behavior] dialog box.

Figure 15-141 Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log File Behavior] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Log file behavior
Define log file behavior.
Output format
Select a log file output format. The default is a blank. The system defaults to SEQ. If you specify SEQ for this item, the field will appear blank.
You can select one of the following items:
  • Blank
    Assumes SEQ. Log data is output to the specified file in a sequential file format.
  • SEQ
    Outputs log data to the specified file in a sequential file format. If the name of the log file to be monitored is changed, the system monitors the log file with the new name.
    When the execution host is Windows, you cannot change the name of the log file to be monitored or delete the log file during monitoring.
    When the execution host is UNIX and the name of the log file to be monitored is changed, the system monitors the log file with the new name. The system does not monitor the log file with the old name.
  • SEQ2
    Outputs log data to the specified file in a sequential file format. If the name of the log file to be monitored is changed, the system monitors both the log file with the old name and the log file with the new name. If you need to change the file name twice, perform the second file name change after the length of time specified in Monitoring interval in Monitoring options has elapsed after you change the file name for the first time. If you change the file name a second time before this time has elapsed, the first file name change is not applied. Note that SEQ2 is available when the execution host is Windows, JP1/Base is version 08-10 or later, and JP1/AJS is version 08-00 or later.
  • WRAP1
    Outputs log data to the specified file in one wraparound format (existing data is overwritten starting from the beginning of the file when the end of the file is reached).
  • WRAP2
    Outputs log data to the specified file in a different wraparound format (all existing data is erased completely and then new data is written when the end of the file is reached). WRAP2 is not applicable when a file is deleted or when a file name is changed before a new one is created.
Record format
Select a record format for log data to be trapped. The default is Variable length. You can select one of the following items:
  • Variable length
    Specify the line end character string of 3 or 4 bytes in the format of 'arbitrary-character-string'. The default is a blank. In the Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files] - [Log file behavior] dialog box, specify arbitrary-character-string of 1 or 2 bytes. The system defaults to \n.
  • Fixed length
    Specify a record length. You can specify 1 to 9,999,999. The default is a blank. If you have selected Fixed length, you must specify a record length. If you do not specify a record length, Variable length defaults to \n as the line end character.
Select a header format for a log file to be trapped. The default is Header lines. You can select one of the following items:
  • Header lines
    If the log file to be trapped has a header, specify the number of header lines. You can specify 0 to 99,999. The default is a blank.
  • Size
    If the log file to be trapped contains a header that cannot be set as the number of lines, specify a header size. You can specify 0 to 9,999,999. The default is a blank.
Monitoring options
Specify option information to monitor a log file.
  • Monitoring interval:
    Specify a time interval in units of seconds to monitor a log file. You can specify 1 to 86,400. The default is a blank. The system defaults to 10.
  • Input from first data
    Select whether to input a log file from the first data when monitoring starts. By default, this item is not selected.
  • Error when file does not exist
    Select whether to terminate log file monitoring abnormally if the specified log file is not found when it is trapped. If you do not select this item, the log file is opened repeatedly until it is created. Then, the system starts to monitor the log file. By default, this item is not selected.
  • Event data length
    Specify the number of bytes in the first event data in the log file. You can specify 2 to 512. The default is a blank. The system defaults to 512 bytes. The end character of a line is changed to the end symbol, \0. The number of bytes in the first event data includes \0.