Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.34 Rerun dialog box (for root jobnets)

In the Rerun dialog box (for a root subnet), you specify how to re-execute a jobnet or job. How to specify re-execution depends on whether the root jobnet is selected or a nested jobnet or job is selected. The following figure shows the Rerun dialog box (for a root jobnet):

Figure 15-61 Rerun dialog box (for a root jobnet)


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name
Displays the name of the jobnet to be re-executed. If you select multiple jobnets, the system displays in Jobnet name, the jobnet name which is one of the selected ones and which is displayed at the top of the list area.

Rerun Method
Specify how to re-execute a root jobnet. The default is From top. However, you select From abnormally ended job if you want to re-execute an abnormally ended jobnet or if more than one unit is selected. For details, see 4.5.11(1) Rerun the root jobnet in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.
  • From abnormally ended job
    Re-executes the job which is one of the jobs of the specified root jobnet and which ended abnormally. If the job does not end abnormally, you cannot specify this item.
  • From after abnormally ended job
    Re-executes a job following the job which belongs to the specified root jobnet and which ended abnormally. If no job ends abnormally, you cannot specify this item.
  • From abnormally ended jobnet
    Re-executes a jobnet which is one of the nested jobnets in the specified root jobnet and which ended abnormally. If no jobnet ends abnormally, you cannot specify this item.
  • From top
    Re-executes jobs starting with the first job of the specified root jobnet.
  • Only job that ended with warning
    Re-executes only the job which is one of the jobs of the specified root jobnet and which ended with a warning.

Rerun options
Specify whether to place the root jobnet to be re-executed in the hold status or to end the preceding unit in the abnormal status with a warning.
  • Rerun with hold
    Sets the root jobnet to be re-executed in the hold status.
  • Set skipped jobs to warning
    If a preceding unit in abnormal status exists, selecting this option ends the end status of that unit with a warning. If you select the From after abnormally ended job radio button, you can select this item.