Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


15.3.21 Select Waiting-Target Unit dialog box

In the Select Waiting-Target Unit dialog box, you can select a unit whose end is to be waited for from the tree area. The following figure shows the Select Waiting-Target Unit dialog box.

Figure 15-45 Select Waiting-Target Unit dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Tree area
The tree area displays a scheduler service and subordinate units in a hierarchical format. Only units for which you have reference permission appear in the tree. Select the unit whose end is to be waited for from the tree area.
The following lists the units that appear and do not appear in the tree area:
Units displayed in tree area:
  • Job groups
  • Root jobnets
  • Nested jobnets
  • Planning groups
  • Standard jobs
  • Event jobs#
  • Action jobs
  • Custom jobs
  • Passing information setting jobs
Event jobs that are subject to a start condition are not displayed.
Units not displayed in tree area:
  • Remote jobnets
  • Manager job groups
  • Manager jobnets
  • Units defined in planning groups
  • OR jobs
  • Judgment jobs
  • Event jobs subject to a start condition