Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


14.4 Specifying colors with RGB value

Use the RGB value to specify the color. You can specify red, green, and blue with values between 0 and 255 so that the combination of the values determines a color.

The following table shows examples of an RGB value you can specify.

Table 14-2 Specification example of an RGB value

No. Color RGB values
(in the red-value:green-value:blue-value format)
1 White 255:255:255
2 Yellow 255:255:0
3 Light gray 192:192:192
4 Sky blue 0:255:255
5 Yellow green 0:255:0
6 Gray 128:128:128
7 Dark yellow 128:128:0
8 Dark pink 255:0:255
9 Blue green 0:128:128
10 Red 255:0:0
11 Green 0:128:0
12 Purple 128:0:128
13 Brown 128:0:0
14 Blue 0:0:255
15 Dark blue 0:0:128
16 Black 0:0:0

The table lists only example RGB values. You can use various colors within the specifiable range of RGB values.