Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


13.4.4 Defining monitoring properties

You can define how to monitor the AJS3 unit monitored object defined for the business scope by defining the monitoring properties. Define the following three items for the monitoring properties:

To specify the monitoring properties:

  1. Choose Edit and then Monitoring Properties.
    The Monitoring Properties dialog box appears.

    Figure 13-9 Monitoring Properties dialog box


  2. In the Monitoring method field, select the monitoring method from the drop-down list.
    Since the root jobnets, the entities for monitoring, have multiple generations in JP1/AJS3 Console, you need to determine which generation to be displayed and which status to be displayed by priority. Monitoring method provides the following four options. Select one of them according to the generation to be displayed and the status to be displayed by priority:
    • Prioritize all unit times
    • Prioritize current time
    • Prioritize all unit time schedules
    • Prioritize current time schedules
  3. In the Hold plan field, select the method for displaying the generation with the hold attribute.
    When the hold attribute has been set for a root jobnet with the execution schedule, specify whether to display the color image of the icon in the color indicating hold plan.
    When you have selected the display in the display color indicating hold plan, the following two cases are displayed in the display color indicating hold plan at default:
    • Root jobnets for which the hold attribute is set by the hold attribute setting operation
    • Root jobnets for which the hold attribute is defined as the root jobnet attribute
    To display only the root jobnets for which the hold attribute is set by the hold attribute setting operation in the display color indicating hold plan, specify Only if hold attribute changes.
  4. For Monitoring interval, specify the notification interval in seconds.
    When JP1/AJS3 Console Manager requires the JP1/AJS3 Console Agent (JP1/AJS3 - Manager) hosts to start monitoring, they start the periodic monitoring of the application status. Specify Monitoring interval that represents the interval in which JP1/AJS3 Console Agents monitor the status in seconds.
  5. Click the OK button.
    The Monitoring Properties dialog box closes. Switch to the monitoring mode to perform the monitoring based on the modified condition. The defined details are applied to the all AJS3 unit monitored objects under the root business scope.