Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


11.5.8 Changing the color indicating the selected status

You can change the color that indicates the selected status of icons that are displayed in the map area of the Jobnet Editor window.

Specify from:
A JP1/AJS3 - View file
For details, see 11.1.1 Individual-user customization.

Use the following format:
jajsSelectStatusCycleColor=RGB-value (return)
The default is the system color used as the background when text or other elements are selected. If you omit this setting, the system color is applied. Note that the system color will depend on the host environment.
For details about RGB-value, see 11.11 Specifying colors with RGB values.

The following specification changes the color indicating the selected status to red:
jajsSelectStatusCycleColor=255:0:0 (return)