Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


11.4.15 Displaying User name in the Replace drop-down list box in the Tool Entry dialog box

Choose Options and then Set Tool in the JP1/AJS3 - View window to display the Tool Settings dialog box. When you click the Add button in this dialog box, the Tool Entry dialog box appears. This setting determines whether User name appears in the Replace drop-down list in the Tool Entry dialog box.

This setting is valid in JP1/AJS3 - View version 09-10 or later.

Specify from:
A JP1/AJS3 - View file
For details, see 11.1.1 Individual-user customization.

Use the following format:
jajsToolEntryReplaceUserName={Yes|No} (return)
Specify Yes to display User name in the Replace drop-down list. Specify No to omit User name from the list.
The default is Yes. If you omit this setting, Yes is assumed.

To prevent User name from appearing in the Replace drop-down list in the Tool Entry dialog box:
jajsToolEntryReplaceUserName=No (return)