Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


10.1.1 Using list filtering to narrow down information

You can use list filtering to narrow down the information displayed in the following windows and dialog boxes:

To narrow down the information to be displayed:

  1. Open a window or dialog box that supports list filtering.
    The window or dialog box appears.
  2. If you opened a window, choose View and then List Filter. If you opened a dialog box, select the List filter check box.
    List filtering is enabled.
    [Figure] appears on the right of each column name in the areas that list information (the list area and detailed information area in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), the summary list and unit detailed information list in the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window), the list area in the Jobnet Editor window, the execution result list in the Daily Schedule window and Monthly Schedule window, the list area in the Jobnet Monitor window, and the search result list area in the Search window).
  3. Click [Figure] on the right of a column name to display a drop-down list. Select the option that displays the lines you are interested in.
    The window displays only the lines that match the option you selected in the drop-down list.
    [Figure] turns blue after you select an option.
    The available options in the drop-down lists are as follows:
    Filtering is canceled, and all lines are displayed.
    A line is displayed only if the cell under the applicable column is blank.
    A line is displayed only if the cell under the applicable column contains a value, the cell is not blank.
    A line is displayed only if the cell under the applicable column contains a value that matches selection-value. If the column displays dates and times, selection-value is a date and a line is displayed only if the cell under the applicable column contains a date that matches the selected date.

Supplementary notes
  • You can enable or disable list filtering in each window or dialog box, but not for individual areas within a window or dialog box. The list filtering setting must be the same in the Main window and Summary Monitor window of JP1/AJS3 - View.
  • When you narrow down information in a JP1/AJS3 - View window, by default the list is scrolled to the top and the topmost item is selected. You can change this behavior to preserve the currently selected unit and scroll position. For details about the procedure, see 11.4.7 Maintaining the selected units and the scroll position after the window is updated or list filtering is specified.