Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


9.17.1 Displaying temporary changes

To check temporary changes, follow the steps below.

Using the ajsplanout command, you can output temporary changes to the standard output. For details about this command, see ajsplanout in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window or other window, click View and then Temporary Changes.
    The Temporary Changes dialog box appears.
  2. In Start date, enter the date from which to list temporary changes.
  3. Click the Update button.
    Temporary changes beginning from the date you entered are listed in the dialog box.
    To output changes in CSV format, select the lines to output and click the Save button. The selected information is copied to the clipboard.
    You can copy a maximum of 1,000 changes to the clipboard.
  4. Click the Close button.
    The Temporary Changes dialog box closes.

Supplementary note
You can also check temporary changes in the following windows and dialog boxes:
  • Daily Schedule window
  • Monthly Schedule window
  • Jobnet Monitor window
  • Search window
  • Register for Release dialog box