Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


9.1 Controlling the execution of a jobnet and jobs

Even after you start executing a jobnet, you can change the schedule of the jobnet or control the execution of the jobnet or jobs. For example, if you find an abnormality while you are monitoring the execution status, you can interrupt the execution of the jobnet or kill the jobnet. When you interrupt or kill a jobnet, you can re-execute from the desired jobnet or job.

The following table lists the types of control available for jobnets and jobs.

Table 9-1 Available control

No. Type of control Jobnet Job
1 Add an execution schedule Yes No
2 Temporarily change or restore the execution start time Yes No
3 Immediately execute an execution schedule Yes No
4 Temporarily cancel execution Yes Yes
5 Hold execution or release held execution Yes Yes
6 Apply or undo temporary changes to delay monitoring times Yes No
7 Temporarily change the execution priority Yes No
8 Interrupt execution Yes No
9 Kill execution Yes Yes
10 Re-execute Yes Yes
11 Change status No Yes
12 Change registered definitions Yes Yes
13 Switch definitions of a running job according to a plan Yes No
14 Change the execution order control method Yes No
15 Temporarily enable or disable wait conditions Yes Yes
16 Re-execute temporary changes Yes Yes

Yes: Controllable
No: Not controllable

This section describes how to change the schedule of jobnets and control the execution of jobnets and jobs. Although the description mainly covers the operation using the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window, the same operation may sometimes be available from other windows. For details, see Supplementary note.

Some of the above operations cannot be performed from the Daily Schedule [Hierarchy] window. A description of how to perform these operations is given in the appropriate section below.