Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


8.1 Overview of monitoring jobnets and jobs

This section describes how to check the execution status of a jobnet and jobs.

When you register a jobnet for execution, you can check the execution schedule and the execution status of the jobnet by days or by months. If the jobnet is already started, you can also check the progress, the execution start time, and the execution end time as well as the execution status. Likewise, you can check the execution schedule and the execution status of the jobs in a jobnet that is registered for execution. On this occasion, status-specific colors indicate the execution schedule and the execution status of the jobs.

You can use the map area to check the execution status of a jobnet and jobs (in the same format as when the jobnet was defined).

You can also use the ajsshow command to check the execution schedule and the execution status of a jobnet and jobs. For details of the command, see the description of ajsshow in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

For monitoring jobnets and jobs, see 6. Monitoring Applications in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Cautionary note
The windows display the information about jobnets and jobs current at the instant the information is obtained. If the status of a jobnet or job changes while the system is obtaining the information, the displayed information might be inconsistent with the current status of the jobnet or job, or an error might occur. In such cases, update the display of the applicable window or re-execute the ajsshow command.