Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


7.1 Registering jobnets for execution

Now that a jobnet is defined and the schedule is defined for the jobnet, the next step is to execute the jobnet. To execute a jobnet, you must register the root jobnet for execution. The nested jobnets in the root jobnet are registered for execution at the same time. Nested jobnets alone cannot be registered for execution.

The method of registration for execution depends on how the jobnet is to be executed. There are three methods of registering a jobnet for execution. The following table shows the relationship between the execution methods of jobnets and the registration methods for execution. For jobnet execution, see 4. Executing an Application in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Table 7-1 Execution methods of jobnets and registration methods for execution

Jobnet execution method Registration method for execution
To execute a jobnet according to a defined schedule Planned-execution registration
To execute a jobnet according to a defined scheduled for a specified period of time with certainty Fixed-execution registration
To invalidate the schedule defined for a jobnet and execute the jobnet immediately Immediate-execution registration

Cautionary notes
  • Jobnets other than the root jobnet cannot be registered for execution.
  • For root jobnets in planning groups, use fixed-execution registration. Registration for planned-execution or immediate-execution registration is unusable for such root jobnets.
  • If a jobnet is already registered for planned execution and has the next execution schedule, the jobnet cannot be registered for another type of execution.
  • When the Jobnet Editor window is open and displays the jobnet you want to register for execution, do not select the Exclusive edit check box.
Organization of this section
7.1.1 Registering a jobnet for planned execution
7.1.2 Registering a jobnet for fixed execution
7.1.3 Registering a jobnet for immediate execution