Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


6.3.5 Copying the schedule rules from the upper-level jobnet

When jobnets are nested, you can copy the schedule rules from the upper-level jobnet to the lower-level jobnet. The following shows how to copy the schedule rules to a jobnet from its upper-level jobnet.

To copy the schedule rules to the jobnet from the upper-level jobnet:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Schedule Definition.
    Schedule Definition is now selected.
  2. In the list area, click the root jobnet of the jobnet for which a schedule needs to be defined.
    The root jobnet you clicked is now selected.
  3. Choose Edit and then Edit, or double-click the root jobnet.
    The Jobnet Editor window appears.
  4. In the tree area of the Jobnet Editor window, click a nested jobnet and choose Edit and then Schedule.
    The Schedule Settings dialog box appears.
  5. Click the Copy Upper button.
    A message dialog box appears for confirming that the schedule rules of the upper-level jobnet will be copied.
  6. Click the Yes button.
    The schedule rules of the upper-level jobnet are copied.
  7. Click the OK button.
    The Schedule Settings dialog box is closed.

Cautionary notes
  • If schedule rules have already been set in the jobnet to which you want to copy the schedule rules from the upper-level jobnet, the existing schedule rules are lost.
  • You cannot copy the following items from the upper-level jobnet:
    - Linked rule number in the Schedule rules list
    - Exclusive jobnet specified in the Options group with Exclusive schedule check box selected

Supplementary notes
  • You can click Copy Upper button only when all the following conditions are satisfied:
    - The Schedule Settings dialog box was displayed with a lower-level jobnet specified
    - Depends on upper-level jobnet is not selected
  • If Depends on upper-level jobnet is selected in the upper-level jobnet, the schedule rules of the jobnet one level upper are referenced. The upper-level jobnets can be referenced and referenced up to the root jobnet.