
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 1

14.3.1 Procedure for setting up an execution agent profile

In an execution agent profile, specify the settings related to execution agent restrictions. For details about such restrictions, see 2.5.1(6) Execution agent restriction in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

To set up an execution agent profile:

  1. Copy the model file to the environment-settings file storage directory.

    The model file and the environment-settings file storage directory are as follows:

    Model file


    Environment-settings file storage directory

    For a physical host:


    For a logical host:


  2. Rename the copy of the file to the predetermined name.

    Rename the file to:

  3. Use an editor such as vi to edit the file.

    Specify the necessary settings in the execution agent profile.

    You can also copy execution agent names or execution agent group names from the defined names output by using the ajsagtshow command. For details about this procedure, see (1) Copying from the list output by the ajsagtshow command.

    For details about the execution agent profile, see 3.2.1 Execution agent profile in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide 2.

    Cautionary note:

    The following information is set in the model file:

    - Full name of the unit to which the file is applied: /example

    - Restriction check when the unit is defined: Restrictions are checked.

    - Operation when the unit is defined: The dialog box cannot be closed by clicking OK if an execution target that is not allowed has been specified.

    - Restriction check when a job is executed: Restrictions are checked.

    - Permitted execution target: Execution is allowed only on the default execution agent (@SYSTEM).

    If this model file is applied as is when a unit named /example exists, the jobs in the /example unit become executable only on the default execution agent. Before you apply the execution agent profile, edit it as needed to fit the operation.

  4. Apply the execution agent profile settings.

    Do the following to enable the execution agent profile settings:

    • If the JP1/AJS3 service is not running:

      Start the JP1/AJS3 service. The execution agent profile settings for all scheduler services configured on the relevant host are enabled.

    • If the JP1/AJS3 is running but the scheduler service is not:

      Do either of the following:

      - Start the scheduler service. The execution agent profile settings for the scheduler service you started are enabled.

      - Execute the following command:

      ajsprofalter -F scheduler-service-name -t agent -m set

      The execution agent profile settings for the scheduler service, which are specified with the -F option, are enabled.

    • If the JP1/AJS3 service and the scheduler service are both running:

      Execute the following command:

      ajsprofalter -F scheduler-service-name -t agent -m set

      The execution agent profile settings for the scheduler service, which are specified with the -F option, will be enabled.

    For details about the ajsprofalter command, see ajsprofalter in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Copying from the list output by the ajsagtshow command

To copy execution agent names or execution agent group names from a list of execution agent definitions output by the ajsagtshow command:

  1. Execute the ajsagtshow -n command.

  2. Copy the required execution agent names or execution agent group names from the output result of the ajsagtshow command.

    Copy the required names from the shaded part shown below.


  3. Paste the copied information into the execution agent profile.

    Paste the copied execution agent names or execution agent group names on the lines between @SYS_AGENTLIST_START and @SYS_AGENTLIST_END in the execution agent profile.