
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

2.4.9 Passing information that changes dynamically to a succeeding unit (example of defining a jobnet that uses a passing information setting job)

Use a passing information setting job when defining a jobnet that executes processing based on information that changes dynamically.

A passing information setting job extracts the necessary information from a standard output file that is output by a preceding job, and assigns it to a global macro variable for use by a succeeding unit. A global macro variable is a type of variable set by the passing information setting job.

The following figure shows an example of information passed using a passing information setting job.

Figure 2‒88: Example of information passed using passing information setting jobs


This example assumes that the units are defined as follows:

You must create the batch files specified as the executable files for PC job A and PC job B before you execute the jobs.

When you execute the jobnet, the individual units are executed as follows:

  1. PC job A outputs the date to a standard output file.

    This information appears as DATE=20XX1010 in the standard output file.

  2. The passing information setting job extracts the date portion from the standard output file output by PC job A.

    A value of 20XX1010 is assigned to the macro variable ?AJS2FILEDATE?.

  3. The log file monitoring job monitors the file.

    The conditions for the log file monitoring job are established if the character string Error is written to the file 20XX1010.txt.

  4. PC job B runs error-handling processing.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Methods for defining the job

The following describes how to define the preceding jobs, passing information setting job, and succeeding units for a job flow that uses a passing information setting job.

(a) Preceding jobs of passing information setting job

The preceding jobs of a passing information setting job must satisfy the following criteria:

  • The passing information setting job has at least one preceding job

  • Only one preceding job meets all the following criteria:

    • The job is a PC job#1, Unix job#1, or custom job

    • The job specifies a file name or $JP1AJS2_JPQSTDOUTTEMP$ as the name of the standard output file#2

    • The job outputs its results to the standard output file


    Excluding queueless jobs.


    Specify a file name if you want the standard output file to remain on the agent host. The specified file remains on the agent host even if transferred to the manager host.

    If there is no need for the standard output file to remain on the agent host, specify $JP1AJS2_JPQSTDOUTTEMP$ as the file name. In this case, the standard output file is output to the agent host as a temporary file and transferred to the manager host. You cannot append data to such a file. You can check the name of the file transferred to the manager host by executing the ajsshow command with the -i option and specifying the 2-byte format indicator %so.

Cautionary notes
  • If you define a passing information setting job as a dependent job of a judgment job, the preceding job of the judgment job is considered to be a preceding job of the passing information setting job. In this scenario, a standard output file name must be specified in the definition of the preceding job of the judgment job.

  • If restrictions placed on file reception interrupt the transfer of the standard output file, the process will create an incomplete file. Make sure that the passing information setting job is still able to extract the necessary information from the incomplete file.

(b) Passing information setting job

Specify the following attributes for the passing information setting job:

Regular expressions

Specify the regular expressions used to extract information from the standard output file which is output by the preceding job.

Output macro variable

Specify the name of the macro variable to which the job assigns the information extracted according to the regular expression.

If no lines in the standard output file that is output by the preceding job match the regular expressions, a NULL character string is assigned to the output macro variable.

The following table describes the values a passing information setting job returns when it finishes executing.

Table 2‒19: Return values from passing information setting jobs

Return value of the preceding job

Return values from passing information setting jobs




All regular expressions were matched


At least one regular expression was not matched

20 and higher

Other errors

Other than 0

Return value of the preceding job

If the value of the PassingInfoUsePreRc environment setting parameter is 1


If environment setting parameter PassingInfoUsePreRc is set to 0, and all regular expressions match


If environment setting parameter PassingInfoUsePreRc is set to 0, At least one regular expression was no matched

20 and higher

If environment setting parameter PassingInfoUsePreRc is set to 0, Other errors

If you want to continue execution of the succeeding unit even if a regular expression does not match, perform the following procedure.

  • If the value of the PassingInfoUsePreRc environment setting parameter is 0, set 1 as the abnormal threshold value for the passing information setting job.

  • If the value of the PassingInfoUsePreRc environment setting parameter is 1, make settings so that the return value of the preceding job is 0, and set the abnormal threshold of the passing information setting job to 1.

If you rerun a passing information setting job that has finished executing, the information assigned to the output macro variable is set again based on the contents of the standard output file and the regular expressions that were current at the time the job was rerun.

Regular expressions specified in passing information setting jobs are treated as extended regular expressions regardless of whether the feature is enabled in JP1/Base. For details on extended regular expressions, see the Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide.

Take the following actions to specify an extended regular expression:

  • Enclose the section to be extracted in parentheses.

  • Use a period (.) to represent any character except a line break.

  • A dollar sign ($) means the string must end with this pattern to match.

Cautionary notes
  • If you specify more than one pair of parentheses, the character string matching the leftmost pair is extracted.

  • If you do not specify parentheses, a character string that matches the entire extended regular expression is extracted.

  • Information is extracted from each line contained in the standard output file using the extended regular expressions. The job cannot extract information spanning multiple lines.

  • If there is an error in the syntax of an extended regular expression (for example, there is no closing parenthesis to match an opening one), the passing information setting job terminates abnormally.

  • A line in the standard output file cannot exceed 1,024 bytes in length. If a passing information setting job attempts to extract information from a line that is longer than 1,024 bytes, the job terminates abnormally.

  • If multiple character strings match the extended regular expression, the first match encountered from the beginning of the file is extracted.

The following table describes examples of the information extracted by extended regular expressions.

Table 2‒20: Examples of extended regular expressions

Target character string


Extended regular expression

Extracted information


One pair of parentheses



Multiple pairs of parentheses



No parentheses



(c) Succeeding jobs of passing information setting units

Specify the name of the variable specified as the output macro variable for the passing information setting job.

(2) Valid range of passing information

The passing information is valid within the scope of the root jobnet. However, the passing information extracted by the passing information setting job is assigned to the macro variable only after the passing information setting job has executed. You cannot reference the value assigned to the macro variable before the job executes. If you rerun a passing information setting job, the value set in the macro variable by the job is not cleared.

The figure below shows the value of the macro variable after each job is executed, assuming the following conditions:

The following table describes the executed job and the value of the macro variable at execution, for the example in the figure above.

Table 2‒21: Executed job and value of macro variable

Executed job

Value of macro variable

Job A


Passing information setting job


Job B


Job A (rerun)


(3) Referencing passed information

Whether you can reference the result of the passing information setting job depends on the definition of its upper-level jobnet.

For details on checking what information was passed to a macro variable, see 2.2.6(2) Checking macro variables.

The following describes the context in which passed information can be referenced.

(a) No relation lines

For a job that has no relation line drawn to the passing information setting job, you can check the passed information provided that the passing information setting job was executed first.

Figure 2‒90: Example of passed information for jobs with no relation line


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒22: Whether passed information can be referenced for jobs with no relation lines


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Can be referenced if the passing information setting job was executed before Job A. The same applies if the job is rerun.

Passed information cannot be referenced if the passing information setting job was executed after Job A.

Job B

Can be referenced if the passing information setting job was executed before Job B. The same applies if the job is rerun.

Passed information cannot be referenced if the passing information setting job was executed after Job B.

Job C

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job C is rerun.

(b) Nested jobnet

The jobs in a root jobnet can reference the information passed by a passing information setting job in a nested jobnet.

Figure 2‒91: Example of passed information for a nested jobnet


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒23: Whether passed information can be referenced for nested jobnets


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job A is rerun.

Job B

Can be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job C is rerun.

Job D

Can be referenced.

(c) Remote jobnet

The following describes whether passed information can be referenced when a passing information setting job is defined in a jobnet that includes a remote jobnet.

■ Root remote jobnet

When a passing information setting job is defined in a root remote jobnet, the passed information can be referenced by units in the root remote jobnet.

Figure 2‒92: Example of passed information for a root remote jobnet


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒24: Whether passed information can be referenced for root remote jobnets


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job A is rerun.

Job B

Can be referenced.

■ Nested remote jobnet (with passing information setting job defined in root jobnet)

When a passing information setting job is defined in a root jobnet, only the jobs in that root jobnet can reference the passed information. Jobs in the nested remote jobnet cannot reference the information.

Figure 2‒93: Example of passing information for a nested remote jobnet (with passing information setting job defined in root jobnet)


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒25: Whether passed information can be referenced for nested remote jobnets (with passing information setting job defined in root jobnet)


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job A is rerun.

Job B

Can be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced.

Job D

Cannot be referenced.

■ Nested remote jobnet (with passing information setting job defined in nested remote jobnet)

When a passing information setting job is defined in a nested remote jobnet, only the jobs in that nested remote jobnet can reference the passed information. Jobs in the root jobnet cannot reference the information.

Figure 2‒94: Example of passing information for a nested remote jobnet (with passing information setting job defined in nested remote jobnet)


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒26: Whether passed information can be referenced for nested remote jobnets (with passing information setting job defined in nested remote jobnet)


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced.

Job B

Cannot be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job C is rerun. If the nested remote jobnet is rerun, passed information cannot be referenced afterwards.

Job D

Can be referenced.

(d) Jobnet connector

The information passed by a passing information setting job defined in a jobnet with a jobnet connector or its connection-destination jobnet can only be referenced from the jobnet that contains the passing information setting job.

■ Passing information setting job in jobnet with jobnet connector

Only the jobnet where the jobnet connector is defined can reference the passed information.

Figure 2‒95: Example of passing information setting job defined in jobnet with jobnet connector


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒27: Whether passed information can be referenced for jobnet with jobnet connector defined


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job A is rerun.

Job B

Can be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced.

Job D

Cannot be referenced.

■ Passing information setting job in connection-destination jobnet

Only the connection-destination jobnet can reference the passed information.

Figure 2‒96: Example of passing information setting job in connection-destination jobnet of jobnet connector


The following table describes whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒28: Whether passed information can be referenced for passing information setting job in connection-destination jobnet of jobnet connector


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced.

Job B

Cannot be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced at execution of the root jobnet.

Can be referenced if Job C is rerun.

Job D

Can be referenced.

(e) Wait conditions

When a unit with wait conditions and its units whose ends are being waited for are in different root jobnets, passed information can only be referenced within the scope of the respective root jobnets.

Figure 2‒97: Example of passed information using wait conditions


The following tables describe whether passed information can be referenced for the example in this figure.

Table 2‒29: Whether passed information can be referenced (passing information setting Job A)


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced at execution of Root Jobnet A.

Can be referenced if Job A is rerun.

Job B

Can be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced.

Job D

Cannot be referenced.

Job E

Cannot be referenced.

Table 2‒30: Whether passed information can be referenced (passing information setting Job B)


Whether passed information can be referenced

Job A

Cannot be referenced.

Job B

Cannot be referenced.

Job C

Cannot be referenced at execution of Root Jobnet B.

Can be referenced if Job C is rerun.

Job D

Can be referenced.

Job E

Can be referenced.

(4) Cautionary notes

Note the following when using passing information setting jobs: