
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

7.1.3 Components of JP1/AJS3 Console

JP1/AJS3 Console is made up of the following three components.

Table 7‒1: Components of JP1/AJS3 Console


Component Name



JP1/AJS3 Console Manager

Acquires status information on the jobnets being monitored by JP1/AJS3 Console View, and saves definition information.


JP1/AJS3 Console Agent

Periodically monitors the execution status of the jobnets from JP1/AJS3 - Manager specified by JP1/AJS3 Console Manager, and informs JP1/AJS3 Console Manager of any changes in status.


JP1/AJS3 Console View

Provides the GUI environment for monitoring applications and defining which applications to monitor.

The following figure shows the program product configuration for JP1/AJS3 Console.

Figure 7‒5: Program product configuration for JP1/AJS3 Console
