
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.5.5 Prohibiting execution of a job or jobnet

This operation cancels the next execution schedule or fixed schedule of a job or jobnet.

If you prohibit execution of a jobnet that is registered for planned execution, you can then undo the changes, returning the jobnet to its original schedule. However, if you prohibit execution of a jobnet that is registered for fixed execution, you cannot undo the changes.

When a nested jobnet or job that you have prohibited satisfies the execution conditions, its status level changes from Not sched. to exe. to Bypassed. Succeeding jobnets or jobs are then executed, skipping the bypassed jobnet or job.

You can also use this operation to prohibit the execution of lower-level jobnets in a planning group. After you prohibit execution of a jobnet, you can add new jobnet definitions for the period that becomes available.

When you prohibit the next execution schedule of a root jobnet that is registered for planned execution, the execution schedule featured next is brought forward, and becomes the next execution schedule.

For a root jobnet, you can prohibit a succession of execution schedules. For a nested jobnet or job defined under a root jobnet that is registered for planned execution, execution is canceled only for the execution schedule corresponding with the next execution schedule of the root jobnet.

When you prohibit the execution of a root jobnet, information# on the temporary changes made to the root jobnet or nested jobnets is inherited by the following generation. Schedules for nested jobnets are then recalculated according to the next generation of the root jobnet.

You can perform this operation using either the GUI, or the ajsplan command. For details on using the GUI, see 9.5 Temporarily canceling the execution of jobnets and jobs in the Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. Alternatively, for details on the ajsplan command, see the description of ajsplan in 2. Commands in the manual Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference 1.


If execution is prohibited, information created by the following temporary change operations is passed to the jobnet generation that is to be executed the next time:

Root jobnet:
  • Temporarily change hold attribute

  • Temporarily change delay monitor

  • Temporary change jobnet priority

Nested jobnet:
  • Prohibit execution

  • Temporarily change execution time

  • Temporarily change hold attribute

  • Temporarily change delay monitor

  • Temporary change jobnet priority

  • Prohibit execution

  • Temporarily change hold attribute