
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Messages


Deletion of the log file trap for monitoring-target-name failed. (Details = details)

An attempt to delete the log file trap failed due to one of the following causes:


Stops attempting to delete the log file trap.


If the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action.

  • IIM Configuration Management database-access error

    Execute the jimdbstatus command to check whether the IM database service is running. If the IM database service is not running, start it.

  • Deletion of the configuration file "file-name" from IM Configuration Management failed.

    Check the following items, and then retry the operation.

    [Figure] Is there sufficient memory?

    [Figure] Does the file indicated in the message exist?

    [Figure] Has access permission for the file indicated in the message been set correctly?

    [Figure] Has the file indicated in the message been opened (locked) by another application?

  • An attempt to update the startup definition file "startup-definition-file-path" failed.

    Check the following on the agent host, and then retry the operation.

    [Figure] Has the format of the startup definition file been set correctly?

    [Figure] Has the access permission for the startup definition file been set correctly?

    [Figure] Is there sufficient disk space?

If detailed information other than the above is output, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.