
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Definition file for executing applications

Organization of this page


@file type="definition-file-type", version="definition-format-version";
@define-block type="application-execution-def";


!JP1_CC_APP0.conf.model (model file for the definition file for executing applications)

Storage directory



This file defines the IDs and paths of executable files, such as applications that are started from the Event Console window.

JP1/IM provides the jcoappexecfcheck command, which checks the contents of the definition file for executing applications. For details about this command, see 1. Commands.

When the definitions are applied

The definition takes effect after JP1/IM - View is restarted.

Information that is specified

@file type="application-execution-definition";

Declares that this is the definition file for executing applications. This statement is mandatory.

This statement must be specified on the first line of the file.

Application execution definition block

Defines the path of an executable file, such as an application that is started from the Event Console window, and assigns an ID for purposes of linkage from other definition files.

You can specify the following statements in this block:

  • id statement

  • path statement

  • description statement

If any other statement is written, an error is output, and only the applicable statement is ignored.

The following describes the statements.


Specifies an identifier that is to be assigned to the command path that is specified in this block. This statement is mandatory. You can specify this statement only once in a block.

If the file to be analyzed contains multiple blocks with the same id, their priority is determined as follows and only the block that has the highest priority is effective:

1. Last block when the file names are sorted in ascending order

2. Last block in the file

All the other blocks are ignored.

The application execution definition identifier is a character string consisting of no more than 32 alphanumeric characters. This character string must be unique within the definition. To achieve uniqueness, observe the following naming convention:


This cannot be a character string that begins with jco_ or the character string default_browser because they are reserved as application execution definition identifiers.


Defines the path of the executable file that is to be associated with the application execution definition identifier specified in the id statement. This statement is mandatory. You can specify the path statement more than once in the same block. Express the executable file that is to be started as a full path. You can also use a substitute keyword discussed below to assemble a path from data such as the registry.

If you specify this statement more than once, the paths are searched in the order specified and the first path found is used.

In the path statement, you can specify an .exe or .bat file as the executable file.

The current directory is undefined during command execution. A command that uses a relative path from the current directory cannot be specified. Execute such a command after you have executed the cd command by using a file such as a .bat file.

The search processing executes only when JP1/IM - View starts. Therefore, if you have installed an application to be started while JP1/IM - View is running, you must restart JP1/IM - View.

Alternate string

In the path statement, you can specify an alternate string that can be replaced during execution.

(1) Alternate keyword string

If the specified definition contains an alternate keyword string, the character string is replaced according to the specified keyword. The format is as follows:


The following table lists the alternate keywords.

Table 2‒47: List of alternate keywords


Substitute data


JP1 user who logged in to JP1/IM - Manager


Name of the JP1/IM - View installation folder

(2) Alternate registry string

If the specified definition contains an alternate registry string, the value is acquired from the specified registry to replace the character string. The format of an alternate registry string is as follows:


In an alternate registry string, you can specify the registry-only substitute keyword %UPPER%. If you use %UPPER%, the character string for the key name is compared within the same hierarchy in the registry key. The purpose of this keyword is to always acquire the most recent version when the key is classified by the version in the registry key.

You can specify %UPPER% only once in a registry string. The following example specifies the registry of JP1/SAMPLE using %UPPER%:


In this example, %UPPER% is replaced with the most recent version, so that the most recent executable file is always obtained.

For example, if there are the following two registry keys, the value is acquired from the registry 0700 because 0700 is greater than 0671:




Adds a description to the application execution definition in the block. You can specify this statement only once in a block.

There is no limit to the number of characters, but we recommend that you specify no more than 50 characters.

The following shows an example of an application execution definition block:

@define-block type="application-execution-def";


path="C:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1\bin\sample.exe";

description="Hitachi Sample Program";


Example definition

The following shows an example of a definition file for executing applications:

@file type="application-execution-definition", version="0300";
@define-block type="application-execution-def";
@define-block type="application-execution-def";