
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

jimmailpasswd (Windows only)

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Sets the POP before SMTP or SMTP-AUTH authentication password in the email environment definition file. This command can be executed independently regardless of the running status of the JP1/IM - Manager service.

Before executing this command, set the following items in the email environment definition file:

If you execute this command without specifying these parameters, the KAVB8714-E or KAVB8736-E message is output, and the operation terminates abnormally.


jimmailpasswd {-p new-authentication-password | -d}
              [-rh logical-host-name]

Execution permission

Administrator permissions (if the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console).

Storage directory



-p new-authentication-password

This option sets the authentication password when POP before SMTP or SMTP-AUTH authentication is used to connect to an email server in the email environment definition file.

Specify an authentication password from 1 to 127 bytes for the argument of the option. The authentication password of the argument cannot be omitted.

Permitted characters are one-byte characters other than control characters (0x00 to 0x1F, and 0x7F to 0x9F). Multi-byte characters cannot be specified. The password is case sensitive.

If you omit a password for the argument of the option, the KAVB8704-E message is output, and the operation terminates abnormally.


This option deletes an authentication password from the email environment definition file. If you execute this command with this option specified, the setting value for the AuthPassword parameter (password section) in the email environment definition file is deleted.

The -d option cannot be specified with the -p option.

-rh logical-host-name

When JP1/IM - Manager is used in a cluster, the -rh option specifies the email environment definition file to use. With this option, specify if the jimmail command uses the email environment definition file on a physical host, or in the shared folder on a logical host.

When you specify this option, an authentication password is set in the email environment definition file in a shared folder on the specified logical host.

If you omit this option, an authentication password is set in the email environment definition file on a physical host.

Note that if you omit its option, the logical host name specified for the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the physical host name is assumed. If you do not use JP1/IM - Manager in a cluster, you do not need to specify this option.

Example 1

Specify the authentication password "ABCD" in the email environment definition file:

$ jimmailpasswd -p ABCD
KAVB8731-I Command (jimmailpasswd) started.
KAVB8730-I Password was set successfully.
KAVB8732-I Command (jimmailpasswd) ended normally.

Example 2

Set the authentication password "ABCD" in the email environment definition file on the logical host (ronri):

$ jimmailpasswd -p ABCD -rh ronri
KAVB8731-I Command (jimmailpasswd) stated.
KAVB8730-I Password was set successfully.
KAVB8732-I Command (jimmailpasswd) ended normally.

Example 3

Delete the authentication password from the email environment definition file:

$ jimmailpasswd -d
KAVB8731-I Command (jimmailpasswd) started.
KAVB8734-I Password was deleted successfully.
KAVB8732-I Command (jimmailpasswd) ended normally.