
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.42.4 Enter Response window

The Enter Response window is used to enter a response to a response-waiting event. To open this window, you need JP1_Console_Operator or higher permission.

You can open the Enter Response window in the following ways:

The following figure shows the Enter Response window.

Figure 2‒80: Enter Response window


The following describes the items displayed in the Enter Response window.

Response attributes

This area displays information necessary to respond to a response-waiting event.

Event database serial number

Shows the sequence number assigned to the response-waiting event in the event database.


Shows the status of the process that issued the response-waiting event.

  • READY TO RESPOND: You can respond to the event because the process that issued the event exists.

  • NO LONGER MANAGED BY BJEX or NO LONGER MANAGED BY JP1/AS: You cannot respond to the event because the process that issued the event does not exist.

  • RESPONDED SUCCESSFULLY: Response to the process was successful. (This is displayed only in the Enter Response window in which the response was made.)

  • ALREADY RESPONDED: Response to the process has already finished. (This is displayed only when the Enter Response window was displayed or refreshed for a response-waiting event which has already been responded to.)


Displays the message in the response-waiting event.


Enter a response.

  • You can enter a string that has 512 or fewer bytes.

  • You can use ASCII codes in the range from 0x20 to 0x7E.

  • You can use only the UTF-8 encoding.


Click this button to execute the response that you entered. When a dialog box asking you whether to respond appears, click the Yes button. The entered response will be executed. For details about the response mechanism, see 9.2.4 Responding to response-waiting events in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide.