
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.10 Severe Event Definitions window

The Severe Event Definitions window is used to define which JP1 events are severe events. That is, it is used to specify severe event filter settings. To define severe events, the user must have JP1_Console_Admin permission. If the function for restricting reference permissions and operation permissions is enabled for business groups, this operation might not be performed depending on the combination of the JP1 resource group and permission level. For details, see 3.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

The Severe Event Definitions window is displayed when the user chooses Options from the menu bar of the Event Console window and then Severe Event Definitions. This window is not available in Web-based JP1/IM - View.

When the user sets filter conditions and clicks the OK button in this window, the filter conditions are converted into a filter condition statement and the statement takes effect immediately. The maximum length of the statement is 64 KB. If the filter condition statement is longer than the maximum length, an error dialog box displaying the message KAVB0246-E appears when the OK button is clicked. If the error dialog box appears, the filter condition settings must be reviewed. For details about how to estimate the length of a filter condition statement, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - View.

If no conditions (items under Conditions) have been specified for one or more of the pass-conditions groups set in this window, all JP1 events will be displayed (acquired). On the other hand, if no conditions (items under Conditions) have been specified for one or more of the exclusion-conditions groups set in this window, no JP1 events will be displayed (acquired). At least one condition must be specified for each condition group in order to filter events.

When the integrated monitoring database is used, if the user changes the definition of severe events, an event reporting the changes made to the definition of severe events (3F15) is issued.

The following figure shows an example of the Severe Event Definitions window.

Figure 2‒18: Severe Event Definitions window


Reference note

Some of the items displayed in the Severe Event Definitions window change if linkage with BJEX or JP1/AS is enabled. For information about the contents of the Severe Event Definitions window when linkage with BJEX or JP1/AS is enabled, see 2.42.8 Filter condition definition windows.

The following describes the items displayed in the Severe Event Definitions window.

The user can set a condition by selecting a check box and specifying a value.

Show List (or Hide List)

Clicking the Show List button displays the list of condition groups. When the list is displayed, the button changes to the Hide List button, which, if clicked, hides the list.

Pass-conditions groups

This area displays the pass-conditions groups. If the user selects a condition group from the list, the name of the selected group is displayed in the Condition group name area, and the condition settings are displayed in the Conditions area. The user can edit these condition settings.

A maximum of 30 condition groups can be set. When 30 condition groups have been specified, the Add and Copy buttons are disabled.

Exclusion-conditions groups

This area displays the exclusion-conditions groups. If the user selects a condition group from the list, the name of the selected condition group is displayed in the Condition group name area, and the condition settings are displayed in the Conditions area. The user can edit these condition settings.

A maximum of 30 condition groups can be set. When 30 condition groups have been specified, the Add and Copy buttons are disabled.


Clicking this button adds a new condition group. For pass-conditions groups, the default name Condition group n (n is a number) is assigned to the new pass-condition group that is added. For exclusion-conditions groups, the default name Exclusion-condition group n (n is a number) is assigned to the new exclusion-conditions group that is added. Each time a new condition group is added, the focus moves to the text box in the Condition group name area so that the user can assign a name.


Clicking this button copies the selected condition group. When the user selects a condition group and clicks this button, a new condition group in which the same conditions as those defined in the selected condition group is created. The new condition group that is created is assigned the default name Copy original-condition-group-name, and is added to the list of condition groups. After creating a copy of a condition group, if the user creates another copy of the same condition group, a number is added after the string Copy in CopyN original-condition-group-name (N is a number). The first number used is 2, which is incremented each time the same condition group is copied. Note that, each time a new condition group is added to the list, the focus moves to the text box in the Condition group name area so that the user can assign a name.


Clicking this button deletes the selected condition group. When this button is clicked, a message dialog box displaying the following message appears:

KAVB0257-I Are you sure you want to delete this condition group?

Clicking the Yes button in the message dialog box deletes the selected condition group.

Condition group name

This box is used to specify the name of a condition group.

If the user selects an existing condition group in the Pass-conditions groups or Exclusion-conditions groups area and specifies a new name, the condition group is renamed. The same name cannot be specified for a pass-conditions group and an exclusion-conditions group.

If the user attempts to specify a condition group name that already appears in the Pass-conditions groups or Exclusion-conditions groups area, a message dialog box displaying the following message appears:

KAVB0256-E The specified condition group name already exists.


Clicking this button clears all condition settings displayed under Conditions.

Read From Selected Event

Clicking this button applies the attribute values of the JP1 event selected in the Event Console window to the corresponding items under Conditions. The following describes how the attribute values are applied:

  • When an event attribute value includes a control character (such as a linefeed or tab character)

    The part before the first control character is applied. If an option condition can be specified for the event attribute, First characters is selected.

  • When an event attribute value does not include a control character

    The entire event attribute value is applied. If an option condition can be specified for the event attribute, Match is selected.

If the information of the selected JP1 event is mapped in the Event-Information Mapping Definitions window, the attribute values for the display items and program-specific extended attribute values that have been mapped are not applied. For details about the Event-Information Mapping Definitions window, see 5.1.3 Displaying extended attributes of JP1 events (mapping of event information) in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Administration Guide.

Event source host name

The Event source host name field appears when the event source host mapping function is enabled.


This field specifies the name of the host where the event that triggered the JP1 event occurred. The conditions are the same as the Source host field.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive. However, if ON is set for the -ignorecasehost option of the jcoimdef command, case is ignored (unless Regular expression is selected in the drop-down list on the right). If the integrated monitoring database and the IM Configuration Management database are enabled, you can specify a business group name in path format as an event source host name. Either Match or Does not match can be selected as a condition. If these databases are disabled and the selected condition is not Match or Does not match, a business group name specified in path format is treated as a host name.

For details on the event source host mapping function, see 3.8 Mapping of the event source hosts in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Source host

Specifies the name of a host (event server name) that issues a JP1 event. Multiple host names require a comma as a separator. A maximum of 100 host names can be specified. If a character string that includes a comma (,) or backslash (\) is specified, a backslash (\) must be added before the comma (\,) or backslash (\\). A linefeed or tab character cannot be specified.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive. However, if ON is set for the -ignorecasehost option of the jcoimdef command, case is ignored (if Regular expression is not selected in the drop-down list on the right).

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

For Source host, if the integrated monitoring database and the IM Configuration Management database are enabled, a business group name can also be specified in path format. Either Match or Does not match can be selected as a condition. If these databases are disabled and the selected condition is not Match and is not Does not match, a business group name specified in path format is treated as a host name.

Event level

Specifies the severity levels of the JP1 events to be defined as severe events from Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug.

Object type

Specifies the object type of a JP1 event. The character string can be typed in the text box or selected from the drop-down list.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Object name

Specifies the object name of a JP1 event. Multiple object names require a comma as a separator. A maximum of 100 object names can be specified. If a character string that includes a comma (,) or backslash (\) is specified, a backslash (\) must be added before the comma (\,) or backslash (\\). A linefeed or tab character cannot be specified.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Root object type

Specifies the root object type of a JP1 event. The root object type can be typed in the text box or selected from the drop-down list.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Root object name

Specifies the root object name of a JP1 event.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.


Specifies the occurrence type of a JP1 event.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

User name

Specifies the user name of a JP1 event.

Multiple user names require a comma as a separator. A maximum of 100 user names can be specified. If a user name that includes a comma (,) or backslash (\) is specified, a backslash (\) must be added before the comma (\,) or backslash (\\). A linefeed or tab character cannot be specified.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.


Specifies the message text of a JP1 event.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression. We recommend First characters or Is contained. If Regular expression is selected, make sure that control characters used in the message text are not included in the expression.

Product name

Specifies the name of the program that issues a JP1 event.

Alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from First characters, Match, Does not match, Is contained, Is not contained, and Regular expression.

Event ID

Specifies the event ID of a JP1 event. Multiple event IDs require a comma as a separator.

From the drop-down list on the right, the user selects a condition for the specified character strings from Match and Does not match.


Specifies filtering based on whether the automated action defined for the JP1 event has been executed.

When linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation has been set up, the Action area is expanded to display the additional options shown below.


When linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation has been set up, the action type can be specified as a filter condition.

For details about the setup for linkage with JP1/IM - Rule Operation, see 8.3.1 Settings for enabling the JP1/IM - Rule Operation linkage function in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Configuration Guide.