
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager GUI Reference

2.2 Monitor Events page

The Monitor Events page of the Event Console window displays a list of received JP1 events. The following figure shows an example of the Event Console window with the Monitor Events page opened.

Figure 2‒3: Event Console window (Monitor Events page)


The following describes the items displayed on the Monitor Events page:

[Figure] (Expand/Shrink button)

Clicking this button displays or hides the event display start-time specification area. The user can expand or shrink this area when the integrated monitoring database is used. The area is enabled when a JP1 event is registered in the integrated monitoring database. If the integrated monitoring database is not used, the area is disabled ([Figure]).

View Filter Settings

Clicking this button displays the Settings for View Filter window. The user can use the window to set view filters, which define the conditions for displaying JP1 events.

Filter name drop-down list

This drop-down list is used to select a view filter for displaying a list of JP1 events.

View filter

This check box is used to determine whether to enable the view filter selected from the Filter name drop-down list. If this check box is selected, the view filter is enabled and the JP1 events that satisfy the conditions defined in the view filter are displayed.

Use specified display event period

If the Display check box has been selected in the Specified display event period area of the User Preferences window, the following check boxes appear.


If the user selects the Use specified display event period check box, the Use event collection range setting function is applied, and the JP1 events are listed according to the conditions.

For details on the event collection range setting function, see 3.15 Specifying the event display period in the Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Event list

The list of JP1 events. Events are listed from the oldest (top) to the most recent (bottom). The JP1 events displayed in the event list have been transferred to the JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) to which the user logged in.

When the status of event is changed, a maximum of 2,000 events can be changed at one time. For Web-based JP1/IM - View, a maximum of 1,000 events can be changed at one time. When the integrated monitoring database is used, all JP1 events registered in the integrated monitoring database can be displayed.

When the integrated monitoring database is used, the user can use the event display start-time specification area. The following figure shows the event display start-time specification area.

Figure 2‒4: Monitor Events page with the event display start-time specification area displayed


Event display start-time specification area

When the integrated monitoring database is used, the user can use the event display start-time specification area to specify the event display start-time of JP1 events to be displayed. This area is not displayed at login. If the integrated monitoring database is not used or if no JP1 events are registered in the integrated monitoring database, the user cannot open the event display start-time specification area.

If the user uses the display start-time specification area to search for events, the Status section in the display start-time specification area changes according to the search status and the search results. The following table describes how the Status section changes.

Table 2‒8: Status section



Status section

Items used for operations

Most recent

The latest status is displayed in the event list.

Status: [Figure]Most recent events displayed



The JP1 events for the specified date and time are being retrieved from the integrated monitoring database, and the event list display is being updated.

Status: [Figure]Updating... (event-display-start-time)

Slider, Display button, Oldest Event button

Status: [Figure]Updating... (Previous event display)

Previous Event button

Status: [Figure]Updating... (Next event display)

Next Event button

Updating completed

The event list was successfully updated.

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (event-display-start-time)

Slider, Display button, Oldest Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Previous event display)

Previous Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Next event display)

Next Event button

The search for updating the event list has been completed to the beginning of the integrated monitoring database.

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Previous event display) - Oldest event

Previous Event button

The search for updating the event list has been completed to the end of the integrated monitoring database.

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (event-display-start-time) - Most recent event

Slider, Display button, Oldest Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Next event display) - Most recent event

Next Event button

Updating of the event list has been canceled and has ended.

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (event-display-start-time) - Interrupted

Slider, Display button, Oldest Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Previous event display) - Interrupted

Previous Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Next event display) - Interrupted

Next Event button

An error has occurred during the event list update processing.

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (event-display-start-time) - Interrupted by error

Slider, Display button, Oldest Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Previous event display) - Interrupted by error

Previous Event button

Status: [Figure]Update ended. (Next event display) - Interrupted by error

Next Event button


event-display-start-time: The format is YYYY/MM/DD/[Figure]hh:mm:ss, where YYYY indicates the year, MM the month, DD the day, [Figure] a space, hh hours, mm minutes, and ss seconds).

[Figure]: Space

--: None

The following describes the items in the event display start-time specification area:

Event display start-time text boxes

Used to specify the start time for displaying the JP1 events. If the user enters the event arrival time for the JP1 events that the user wants to display in the text box, and then clicks the Display button, issued JP1 events arriving at or after the specified arrival time are displayed in the event list. By default, the base time for the date on which the user logged in to JP1/IM - Manager is displayed.

The base time can be set in the Specified display event period area of the Preferences window.

Note that if the Display check box in this area is not selected, the default base time (9:00) is used.

However, if the user logs in before the day's base time, the base time of the previous date is displayed.

A time that meets any of the following conditions cannot be specified in the Event display start-time text boxes:

  • A time later than the arrival time of the latest event that JP1/IM - View has received.

  • If JP1/IM - View has not received any events, a time later than the arrival time of the latest event registered in the integrated monitoring database.

  • When the Use specified display event period check box is selected, a time outside the specified period of time.

  • A time earlier than the arrival time of the oldest event that is registered in the integrated monitoring database.


Displays JP1 events arriving at or after the time specified in the event display start-time text boxes.


Interrupts the acquisition of the JP1 events to be displayed.

This button is disabled if the retrieval of events has finished.

[Figure] (Oldest Event button)

Displays the JP1 events registered in the integrated monitoring database with the oldest at the top. Note that if the Use specified display event period check box has been selected, events are displayed for the specified range with the oldest at the top.

[Figure] (Previous Event button)

Displays events starting with the one that immediately precedes the oldest event (excluding dummy events) in the event list area.

When the repeated event monitoring suppression function is enabled, repeated events are not displayed as consolidated events and the event preceding the oldest event in the list area is displayed.

If no JP1 events are displayed in the event list, this button is disabled.

[Figure] (Slider)

The user can specify the JP1 event display start-time by moving the slider to the desired position. Moving the slider to the left specifies an event display start-time that displays older JP1 events. Moving the slider to the right specifies an event display start-time that displays more recent JP1 events. The user can confirm the exact event display start-time by checking the text boxes above the slider.

When the most recent event is displayed, the slider is positioned at its rightmost position, and Most recent events appears above the slider.

[Figure] (Next Event button)

Displays events starting with the one that immediately follows the newest event (excluding dummy events) in the event list area.

If no JP1 events are displayed in the event list, this button is disabled.

[Figure] (Most Recent Event button)

Returns the event list to its original state before the user specified an event display start-time.