
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Quick Reference

4.3 Preventing an action that was already executed once from being executed again during a set period of time

An automated action that is triggered by an event is executed automatically, thereby reducing the system administrator's workload. However, if a large number of events that trigger the automated action are issued within a short period of time, the action is executed repeatedly. To prevent actions from being executed unnecessarily, you can prevent an action that has already been executed once from being executed again during a set period of time.




This manual describes how to specify the system so that the automated action specified in 4.2.1 Using the automated action function to execute a command is not executed for 10 minutes (600 seconds).


To prevent automated actions defined for events that match repeated event conditions from being executed:

You can use the Repeated Event Condition Settings window to prevent automated actions defined for events that match repeated event conditions from being executed. For details about the Repeated Event Condition Settings window, see 2.17 Repeated Event Condition Settings window in the manual GUI Reference.

[Figure] Keywords:

automated action, generate, a large number of, time, suppression

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