
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Quick Reference

4.1 Handling multiple events as a single event

Events that are issued are tied to certain occurrences, such as a system starting, or an error being generated. Depending on the sequence and combination in which such related events are issued, you might have to quickly take action appropriate for these events. To help identify important events that need to be dealt with quickly, you can treat multiple events as a single issue.




This manual describes how to specify settings to generate the following events when a correlation is successful or fails.

When the correlation is successful:
  • Condition for a succeeded correlation:

    Events of severity level Error are issued on hosts A, B, and 1 within 60 seconds.

  • Event that is generated:

    An event of severity level Warning with message Errors occurred on hosts A, B, and 1, which are hindering operations

When the correlation fails:
  • Condition for a failed correlation:

    The condition for a successful correlation does not exist.

  • Event that is generated:

    An event of severity level Information with message Operations are continuing, but one or more errors might have occurred on host A, B, and/or 1

[Figure] Keywords:

correlation event, a large number of, consolidation, summary, event, succeeded, failed, generate, do not generate

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