
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Quick Reference

2.4.2 Verifying that records can be converted to events by the log file trap

After you have created a log file operation definition file, verify that the log file trap is running normally. (For details about how to create the file, see 2.4.1 Procedure for starting log file monitoring in JP1/IM.) This subsection describes how to use a command to output a pseudo record. Before you attempt to start the log file trap, make sure that a pseudo record can be output to the log file.


Setting of the log file trap must be completed according to 2.4.1 Procedure for starting log file monitoring in JP1/IM.


  1. From the command prompt for the agent (host1) on which the log file trap is running, execute the following command:

    echo "System Error">>log-file-name#

    #: In this example, the echo command is used to monitor a test file. For the actual operation, monitor a log file output by an application.

    For example, if a log file named logfile1.log is stored in C:\log in Windows, specify C:\log\logfile1.log for log-file-name.

  2. Verify that the event converted from log data is displayed in the central console.

    In this example, confirm that an event was issued whose severity level was Error, source host was host1, and message was System Error.


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