
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide

M.1 Prerequisites for a secure system

The system administrator must take measures against illegal activities as follows, as the prerequisites for secure system operations.

Figure M‒1: Illegal activities and countermeasures


Illegal activity


Attack from the external network

Set up firewall.

Illegal login attempt to the manager host

Control login access to the manager host for users other than the administrators for the machine and JP1 products. Accomplish this by managing accounts on the manager host, such as the member accounts of the Administrators group, the root account, and the OS accounts that belong to the JP1/Base administrator group.

Illegal login attempt to JP1/IM - Manager

Prevent eavesdropping on the communication between JP1/IM - View and JP1/IM - Manager by setting up a VPN or by other means.